
  • Adhemar Pimenta


  • AfonsinhoMF
  • TimFW
  • LeônidasFW
  • BatataisGK
  • LopesFW
  • BrittoMF
  • MachadoDF
  • BrandãoMF
  • LuisinhoFW
  • MartimMF
  • ArgemiroMF
  • Zezé ProcópioMF
  • RomeuFW
  • Domingos da GuiaDF
  • NarizDF
  • PerácioFW
  • WalterGK
  • HérculesFW
  • RobertoFW
  • PateskoFW
  • NiginhoFW
  • JaúDF

The World Cup Archives is a project by Pablo Román published under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 license

Database sourced from The Fjelstul World Cup Database © 2023 Joshua C. Fjelstul, Ph.D.

Source code available in Github