
  • Ron Greenwood


  • 1Ray ClemenceGK
  • 2Viv AndersonDF
  • 3Trevor BrookingMF
  • 4Terry ButcherDF
  • 5Steve CoppellMF
  • 6Steve FosterDF
  • 7Kevin KeeganFW
  • 8Trevor FrancisFW
  • 9Glenn HoddleMF
  • 10Terry McDermottMF
  • 11Paul MarinerFW
  • 12Mick MillsDF
  • 13Joe CorriganGK
  • 14Phil NealDF
  • 15Graham RixMF
  • 16Bryan RobsonMF
  • 17Kenny SansomDF
  • 18Phil ThompsonDF
  • 19Ray WilkinsMF
  • 20Peter WitheFW
  • 21Tony WoodcockFW
  • 22Peter ShiltonGK

The World Cup Archives is a project by Pablo Román published under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 license

Database sourced from The Fjelstul World Cup Database © 2023 Joshua C. Fjelstul, Ph.D.

Source code available in Github