
  • Ratomir Dujković


  • 1Sammy AdjeiGK
  • 2Hans SarpeiMF
  • 3Asamoah GyanFW
  • 4Samuel KuffourDF
  • 5John MensahDF
  • 6Emmanuel PappoeDF
  • 7Illiasu ShillaDF
  • 8Michael EssienMF
  • 9Derek BoatengMF
  • 10Stephen AppiahMF
  • 11Sulley MuntariMF
  • 12Alex Tachie-MensahFW
  • 13Habib MohamedDF
  • 14Matthew AmoahFW
  • 15John PaintsilMF
  • 16George OwuGK
  • 17Daniel QuayeDF
  • 18Eric AddoDF
  • 19Razak PimpongFW
  • 20Otto AddoFW
  • 21Issah AhmedDF
  • 22Richard KingsonGK
  • 23Haminu DramanMF

The World Cup Archives is a project by Pablo Román published under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 license

Database sourced from The Fjelstul World Cup Database © 2023 Joshua C. Fjelstul, Ph.D.

Source code available in Github